Friday, June 11, 2010

of Slut Hearts and old Levis

You know that feeling when you go back to your parents' house and your wadrobe has all your old clothes - clothes you might never wear now and clothes that remind you of who you used to be?Sagging flared blue Levis , cow kurtas, frilly short skirts, big checked shirts. Then you find a random Lit essay from college or a History Project from school. All this is frozen in a dark wood cupboard in my room.
And then you remember things you forgot existed, a note written to a friend in college will remind you of a day you went to commercial street and sat on some random steps and talked for four hours. 

Where I am going with this is that so many memories don't surface without cue. I met school friends after a long time and suddenly I remember school in great detail. I bunked quite a lot in school for example and everyone made fun of me for it. But I can't imagine myself as a bunker anymore. (Does that mean I have become a serious aunty? Maybe.) And in general,  I forgot who I was then , different in so many ways. But then at the core we know plus la change, plus la c'est la meme chose.

My lovely watch is missing.I took a special train ride to Zurich from Basel just to buy it. It is the most expensive thing I own and is the only thing I bought on my trip to Europe. Having a slut heart means that I am deeply attached to everything material or human. I hope I miraculously find it. 


1 comment:

T said...

like your post. i know EXACTLY what you mean